Oxford Network for
the Future of Cities
Rethinking the urban to face future challenges
Cressida Jervis Read is a Research Associate at the Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine researching the contemporary history of malaria in India after 1947, as part of the Malaria in Asia programme at the Unit.
Her research is concerned with the politics of urbanisation, development and the consequences of shifting socio-environmental relations for human health. She has a particular interest in vector borne diseases (especially dengue fever) and what multispecies and material culture perspectives can bring to these issues.
Trained as a social anthropologist at Sussex (DPhil, MSc) and LSE (BA), with a regional specialisation in South Asia, her work is interdisciplinary in nature and she increasingly works with historical materials for a longer term perspective on these relationships.
For more information: http://history.web.ox.ac.uk/people/dr-cressida-jervis-read
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